Issuu PDF Sync
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Allows to create PDF Flipbooks with the service. You just need to get a free key and all your PDF will synchronised on the site. Then you’ll be abble to insert flipbooks inside your posts without having to quit…
Auto Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
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WP AutoTerms plugin helps you with a wide range of legal requirements your WordPress website might be required to keep up with, such as the CCPA or the GDPR law or Amazon Associates requirement to have a disclosure for affiliate…
Browser Shots
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Use the [browser-shot] shortcode to automate the process of taking website screenshots. An icon is also added to the TinyMCE editor to make the shortcode creation process easy. The plugin uses the ‘mshots’ functionality, from, to automatically take screenshots…
Listen to Quran Verses
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Simple functionnality, but yet very usefull way to listen to Quran verse by verse, specially for people trying to revise/memorise some verses, this plugin tries to let you use the functionnality with an easy interface, with a support for both…
Quran Radio
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Quran Radio plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to add a widget that plays an online Radio station for the translation of the meaning of the Quran in more than 40 languages, powered by EDC (e-Da`wah Committee).…
RSS Post Importer
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OS Integration
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User’s have all kinds of devices these days and your site needs to look the best it can when being displayed, pinned or added to your users system. WordPress 4.3 has introduced the “Site Icon” option in settings but it’s…
Showcase IDX Real Estate Search
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THE MLS SEARCH PLUGIN THAT HELPS YOU GET MORE CLIENTS Showcase IDX is the leading platform for real estate search and consumer engagement. Our powerful combination of listing-portal-quality real estate search and lead capture tools help agents, teams, and brokers…