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    Speed Booster Pack

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    Improving your site’s speed will get you a better score on major speed testing services such as Google PageSpeed, GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest and will also improve your overall site’s usability. This will help Google and other search engines to rank your site higher in search results thus sending more traffic.

    Speed Booster Pack is maintained & operated by Optimocha, a company that offers special speed optimization services filled with people who obsess about speed!

    Benefits of Speed Booster Pack

    Each second of delay can cause up to 20% loss in conversion rates (source: Google). “Conversion” means converting visitors to something more than a “visitor”: leads, customers, subscribers, followers… you name it.

    You might lose more than half of your visitors if your website loads slower than three seconds! (source: Google again) More than half of your potential customers might get back to the search results page and navigate to your competitor. This is a huge problem, and it’s hugely overlooked among other SEO-related concerns. People don’t realize how important speed is, in the eyes of search engines.

    That’s where Speed Booster Pack comes in: With its ever-evolving codebase, Speed Booster Pack aims to increase your site performance, page load times and PageSpeed (Lighthouse) scores! Optimocha, the company behind Speed Booster Pack, has a team with a pathological obsession for speed; so you can be sure that your site will be in good hands.

    How to optimize PageSpeed Core Web Vitals metrics with Speed Booster Pack

    With our huge set of features, of course!

    Core Web Vitals: Speed Booster Pack is made to improve your Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Interaction to Next Paint (INP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) metrics, which are also known together as Core Web Vitals. (The First Input Delay (FID) metric is being replaced by INP, but Speed Booster Pack also improves FID and its lab counterpart, Total Blocking Time (TBT).) With the right configuration, you can get your PageSpeed scores higher than ever!
    Caching: Cache your pages into static HTML files, reduce database queries, get a faster website almost immediately. What’s not to love about caching?
    Optimize Google Fonts: Did you know that there are better ways to load Google fonts? We like to brag about finding one of the best ways.
    Lazy Load: It’s a disheartening issue that page speed tools encourage laziness… Just kidding, we love being lazy. And search engines will love your pages when you enable lazy loading for images, videos and iframes (except for the above-the-fold stuff, trust us).
    Optimize JavaScript: You know that totally-not-cryptic “Remove Render-Blocking JavaScript” recommendation? Speed Booster Pack can help defer them all until after the whole HTML is rendered, or at least move all scripts to footer. Works like a charm.
    Optimize CSS: Who needs all those different CSS files when you can inline them all into your page source? Especially when your CSS footprint is so small? Moreover, you can use the “Critical CSS” feature to essentially lazy-load all your CSS except for the CSS for above-the-fold.
    Preload Assets: Have some fonts that load in all your pages, or a script, or some CSS files? Preloading them will help modern browsers serve your pages way faster!
    WooCommerce Optimizations: Disable cart fragments, change Action Scheduler’s retention period, disable things like WooCommerce Marketing and WooCommerce Analytics… and more to come!
    Dequeue Core Scripts/Styles: Dashicons, jQuery Migrate, emoji script, post embed script… If you don’t need them, you can now choose to prevent them from loading in the first place… which can get you to the first place on your Google SERPs.
    Localize Google Analytics & Tag Manager: Tracker scripts aren’t the worst things that’ll slow your pages down, but they cause the most “recommendations”. Localizing Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager is a good idea to speed up your website then, right? Right?
    Enable CDN: Integrate your content delivery network to your website by rewriting all static asset URLs with your CDN domain.
    Cloudflare & Sucuri Integration: Connect to your Cloudflare or Sucuri account so you can clear your cache every time your page cache is cleared.
    Declutter HEAD: Do you think all that useless junk in your should be gone? Us too! You know what they say: A clear works faster.
    Other Features: Minify HTML, enable, trim query strings, disable self pingbacks, optimize the Heartbeat API, set a limit for post revisions, change autosave interval… Did we forget anything?

    We’re constantly working on new features so stay tuned for more and more on every major release!

    For complete usage instructions, you can visit the Speed Booster Pack documentation page.

    Translators are always welcome & always rewarded!

    More than half of WordPress users don’t speak English, and missing out so much! That’s why Optimocha is always looking for volunteers to translate Speed Booster Pack so more and more people can benefit from its goodness. Oh, and we reward the people who help us! Reach out to us to become a translation editor in your language, and get rewarded with special discount codes of our services!

    About Optimocha Speed Optimization Services

    Speed optimization plugins might do a great job at optimizing your website and increasing your PageSpeed scores, but even they can’t perform well on websites with poor setups. There are lots of factors to think about when it comes to web performance optimization. That’s where we, as Optimocha, come in: We log in to your website; create a specialized optimization report considering all your plugins, your theme settings, your hosting environment and your whole content; then we get our hands dirty to get your website as fast as possible. To learn more about our services and get in touch with us, here are some links:


    Even though the plugin works perfectly well on most WordPress websites, it’s not perfect. We just need to make sure that we’re on the same page: This plugin, no matter how hard we work on it, might have bugs in it and your site has an off chance to have issues with the plugin. It doesn’t do anything permanent to your pages’ source codes, so deactivating the plugin and clearing your browser & server caches will solve any kind of issue it might cause. Other than that, we won’t be able to take responsibility if something else clashes with Speed Booster Pack.

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    WPD is the unofficial online plugin directory of WordPress.

    An attempt has been made to list Only functional, active,efficient and up-to-date plugins.

    Categorized : Plugin are listed by category and subcategory based on functionality and uses. Here you can browse wordpress plugin from our neatly categorized plugin directory and sort the plugins by rating, votes, last updated and published and search plugins using tags.

    Search : Plugins can be searched by their functionality using multi-tag search and you can search plugins using their exact name although we are not ensuring Google like search accuracy.

    Create Plugin Lists : You will be able to create list of plugins and share them with Wordpress Community or you can keep them private and use them as a bookmarks.
    e.g. Plugins That I’ve Used on My Site, Best Event Management Plugins, Christmas Plugins etc.

    If you think certain awesome plugin is not in the directory then notify us through our Submit a Plugin page.

    Browsing the Plugin Directory

    Browse by Category

    In WPD, Plugins are categorized carefully. You can browse all the categories from the homepage or you can access the category lists from any page by clicking the button from the left of the website.

    Browse by Tags

    Each plugin listed in WPD is marked with useful tags. You can browse plugins by Tags from the All Tags page

    Searching in WPD

    Multi Tag Search

    You can search plugins using multiple tags. To perform a multi-tag search. Go to Homepage and then in the search field type any keywords or tags(comma separated) and then click on the search button. To search plugins from a selected category just select the category from the dropdown and type your tags.

    Searching a specific Plugin in WPD

    If you want to find a specific plugin in our directory, Go to Homepage and then select the "Search in Title" option. Then write the name of the plugin and click the search button to find the Plugin.

    Plugin Lists

    Whats a Plugin List

    Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create Plugin Lists and share it with anyone or make it private.

    Why Create a plugin List?
    • Easy to keep track of your favourite and useful plugin.

    • Share list of plugins on blogs, social media or to a client.

    • Keep a track of what plugins you installed in which of your blogs by creating a list for each blog

    Creating a Plugin List

    To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site.
    In the Description field, put a few words describing the List.
    By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.

    Adding Plugins to your List

    To add a plugin to your List, go to a plugin page and click the "Add to List" button. A popup box will appear where you can select in which of your list you want to add this plugin. You can add a note if you want, this note will appear below the plugin in your list.
    P.S: You can only add plugins that are in our directory.

    Your Lists will appear in our "Plugin Lists" page when you set the list as "Public" and your list contains atleast 2 plugins.

    Editing your Lists

    When you are on your list page, notice there is a button on the top right corner of the page. Click it to edit the List Name and the List Description.

    Accessing All your Lists

    You can access all your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab.

    Removing your Lists

    You can remove your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab. on top right of each list click the button to remove the list completely.

    While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience.

    To submit a Feedback click the from the bottom right corner of the site.

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