WP External Links (nofollow new window seo)
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Manage all external & internal links on your site. Control icons, nofollow, noopener, ugc (User Generated Content), sponsored and if links open in new window or new tab. WP Links plugin was completely rebuilt in v2 and has lots of…
Stop the Bokettch
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Restore Link Title Field
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In core ticket #28206, the editor was modified to have a Link Text field instead of a Title field. This plugin adds the Title field back.
Nofollow for external link
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Just simple, if you use this plugin, rel=nofollow and target=_blank will be inserted automatically, for all the external links of your website posts, pages or theme menus. Also you can set exclude domains, not to add rel=nofollow for the selected…
Rich Contact Widget
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This contact widget comes with microdatas & microformats markup, so that search engines can use it in their search results. They can help display contact information about your business or yourself below your website in search results, and even a…
Add "ExpressCurate" to a List
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SEO Data Transporter
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This plugin allows you to transfer your inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another. We all know how difficult it can be to switch themes or dump plugins. The fact that themes and plugins store their inputs SEO data…
Pinterest RSS Widget
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Alpine PhotoTile for Pinterest
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