Awesome Support – WordPress Support Plugin
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Live Demo Awesome Support is the most versatile and feature-rich support plugin for WordPress. It is the only helpdesk & support ticketing plugin that can match the feature set of an SAAS solution such as Zendesk or Helpscout. And your…
Sola Support Tickets
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The easiest to use Help Desk & Support Ticket plugin. Create a support help desk quickly and easily with Sola Support Tickets. Features Manage support tickets (pending, open, solved) Adds a Submit Ticket page to your website Receive email notifications…
JS Support Ticket
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JS Help Desk is the best helpdesk and support plugin. JS Help Desk is a professional, simple, easy to use and complete customer support system. JS Help Desk comes packed with lot features than most of the expensive(and complex) support…
Awesome Support
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Live Demo Awesome Support is the most versatile and feature-rich support plugin for WordPress. It is the only helpdesk & support ticketing plugin that can match the feature set of an SAAS solution such as Zendesk or Helpscout. And your…
WordPress Advanced Ticket System
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This WordPress plugin adds the features of a complete support ticket system for WordPress. This allows users to submit tickets to report problems or get support on whatever you want directly through your WordPress website. Users can set the status,…
Key4ce osTicket Bridge
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WP Support Ticket
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Use this plugin to create your very own customer support system. Let customers of your site to generate a support ticket whenever they require assistance from you, and you will be able to solve their issues by posting replies to…
Zendesk for WordPress
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Zendesk Support for WordPress allows you to bring your helpdesk, powered by Zendesk, into your blog or site. Here’s an overview of all the features: Single sign on with Zendesk’s Remote Authentication Have a healthy user base already? With Single…