Quote of the Day – ITslum
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Quote of the Day plugin lets you show famous quotation of famous author on your WordPress website, this quotes of the day will change every day. You can select a topic like Relationship Quote, Nature Quote, Health Quote or Quote…
Responsive Pricing Table
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This plugin adds a “Pricing Tables” tab in the admin panel which allows you to create pricing tables for your website the easy way. You can quickly add features to your different plans, choose a color (as well as many…
BEMO A-Z Index
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IG Shortcodes
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Edit posts, pages, or custom post types by adding a “/edit” to the end of the URL. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in in order to edit the item. Send clients pretty URLs…
WordPress Front-end Editor
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Features Draft and edit posts. Autosaves. Just publish when you’re done. Contextual tools. Bold, italic, strikethrough, link, headings, lists and blockquote. Add media with the WordPress media library. Handy shortcuts for lists (*, – or 1.), blockquote (>) and horizontal…
Category Posts Widget
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Category Posts Widget is a light widget designed to do one thing and do it well: display the most recent posts from a certain category. Term and Category based Posts Widget A premium version of that free widget available at…
Advanced Excerpt
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This plugin adds several improvements to WordPress’ default way of creating excerpts. Keeps HTML markup in the excerpt (and you get to choose which tags are included) Trims the excerpt to a given length using either character count or word…
WP Excerpt Generator
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For English people WP Excerpt Generator works in English and in French WP Excerpt Generator can easily generate excerpts to fill any shortfall or simply to save time. The plugin adds the excerpts directly in the database of the website.…