Note: Just Writing now has beta support WordPress 4.1, please see further down this page for more details. Distraction Free Writing (DFW) Mode is a great way to focus on writing text, but have you ever found yourself wanting to…
Simple Content Templates
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This plugin makes it simple to create content templates for your posts and pages. When creating a new post or page use one of your content templates as the starting point. Simple Content Templates allows you to define a title,…
Posts 2 Posts
Add "Posts 2 Posts" to a List
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This plugin allows you to create many-to-many relationships between posts of any type: post, page, custom etc. A few example use cases: manually curated lists of related posts post series products connected to retailers etc. Additionally, you can create many-to-many…
Shortcoder plugin allows to create a custom shortcodes for HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other code snippets. Now the shortcodes can be used in posts/pages and the snippet will be replaced in place. ✍ Create shortcodes easily Give a name for…
Display Posts Shortcode
Add "Display Posts Shortcode" to a List
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Display Posts allows you easily list content from all across your website. Start by adding this shortcode in the content editor to display a list of your most recent posts: [display-posts] Filter by Category To only show posts within a…