Anti-Malware and Brute-Force Security by ELI
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Features: Download Definition Updates to protect against new threats. Run a Complete Scan to automatically remove known security threats, backdoor scripts, and database injections. Firewall block SoakSoak and other malware from exploiting Revolution Slider and other plugins with known vulnerabilites.…
WordPress ReCaptcha Integration
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Integrate reCaptcha in your blog. Supports no Captcha as well as old style recaptcha. Provides of the box integration for signup, login, comment formsand Ninja Forms as well as a plugin API for your own integrations. Features: Secures login, signup…
Add "McAfee SECURE" to a List
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Broken Link Manager
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Security-Protection Donate WordPress plugins Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents! Security-Protection blocks and stops brute-force attacks. Want to read more how…
Hello Security
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Built using the base code of the popular plugin, Hello Dolly, this plugin gives users the ability to get security best practice tips shown on their admin panel. A big thank you to Matt Mullenweg for creating Hello Dolly. License…
GM Block Bots
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This blocks, and others with a 403 Forbidden message so that they no longer show up in your Google Analytics stats. This won’t block ghost referrals (no plugin can do that), but this short video will walk you…
Plugin Vulnerabilities
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WP Antivirus Site Protection (by
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All 404 Redirect to Homepage
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By this plugin you can fix all random 404 links appear in you your website and redirect them to homepage or any other page using 301 SEO redirect. 404 error pages hurts the rank of your site in search engines.…
With this plugin you can make passwords a thing of the past. All you need is your trusty smartphone with a QR Code reading app. (Coming soon, iOS companion app that will negate your need for a separate QR Code…