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    VideoWhisper Live Streaming Integration

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    This plugin builds turnkey functionality where site users cam broadcast live streaming channels from various sources (PC webcams, mobile cameras, RTSP IP cameras, iOS/Android and desktop encoder apps like OBS).

    New: Latest version integrates HTML5 Videochat that supports both Wowza SE relay streaming and P2P WebRTC using a signaling server with STUN/TURN:
    Free Open Source WebRTC Signaling Server

    Turnkey Site Demo (using this plugin):

    Plain WebRTC Live Streaming using HTML5 Videochat (no registration required):
    WebRTC Live Streaming / Wowza SE
    WebRTC Live Streaming / P2P Signaling

    Broadcast Live Video – Turnkey Streaming Site Solution

    Live channels can be displayed on website pages in web player with chat, tips or plain HTML5 WebRTC / HLS / MPEG DASH live video streaming for mobile. Solution manages unlimited channels, membership types.

    Functionality is stand alone (without need to use 3rd party services) so specific streaming hosting is required. Site owner (and users) have full ownership and access control for the live streaming content, without depending on 3rd party platforms and their terms.

    For more details see the dedicated site for Broadcast Live Video solution.

    WebRTC live video broadcasting and playback is supported, trough media server, as relay, for reliability and scalability or P2P trough WebRTC signaling server with STUN/TURN support.

    Key Features

    • live video channels (custom post type)
    • channel setup and management page in frontend
    • channel listings with live AJAX updates
    • web broadcast with codec and quality settings (H264, Speex)
    • 24/7 IP camera support (restream rtsp, rtmp, rtmps, udp streams) with Setup Wizard
    • transcoding support for plain HTML5 HLS / MPEG DASH live video delivery (on request/auto)
    • WebRTC support for plain HTML5 broadcasting and playback
    • automated detection of iOS/Android Safari/Chrome for HTML5 delivery
    • AJAX chat for viewers to chat while watching stream in HTML5 browser
    • usage permissions by role, email, id, name
    • limit broadcasting and watch time per channel
    • premium channels (unlimited levels)
    • channel stats (broadcast/watch time, last activity)
    • P2P groups support for better, faster video streaming and lower rtmp server bandwidth usage
    • external broadcaster/player support with special RTMP side (Wirecast, Flash Media Live Encoder, OBS Open Broadcaster Software, iOS/Android GoCoder app)
    • generate snapshots for external streams with special RTMP side
    • recording setting per channel, including for WebRTC streams
    • video archive import with Video Share VOD WordPress Plugin
    • playlists support (schedule video files for playback as live stream)
    • paid channel support with myCRED integration (owner sets price)
    • tips to broadcaster (both in Flash and HTML5 views) with myCRED, TeraWallet (WooCommerce Gateways)
    • channel password / access list (owner sets list of user roles, logins, emails)
    • custom floating logo, ads
    • show event details (title, start, end, picture, description) while channel is offline
    • integrates Rate Star Review – AJAX Reviews for Content, with Star Ratings

    Use this software for setting up features like on Twitch TV, Justin TV, UStream tv, Mogulus, LiveStream, RealLifeCam, Stickam, YouNow, Blog tv, Live yahoo or their clones and alternatives. Also can be used in combinations with mobile apps similar to Periscope, Meerkat.

    Includes a widget that can display online broadcasters and their show names.

    Samples: Live Sites and Turnkey Setups


    • Membership Ready with Role Permissions: Can be used with membership/subscription plugins to setup paid membership types.
    • Pay Per View Ready with Custom Post Type: Can be used with access control / sell content plugins to setup paid access to live broadcasts.
    • Custom ads right in text chat box, for increased conversion
    • Tips: Users can buy tokens (credits) to tip broadcasters using MyCred credits plugin.
    • Recommended: Paid Membership WordPress Plugin allows members to purchase membership with credits (use same billing system as for tips)

    BuddyPress integration

    If BuddyPress is installed this will add a Live Stream tab to the group where users can watch live video and chat realtime. Admins can broadcast anytime from Admin > Live Streaming.

    Hosting Requirements

    • This plugin has requirements beyond regular WordPress hosting specifications: specific live streaming servers, certificates, licensing, tools and configuration for HTML5 live camera streaming.
    • A new VideoWhisper WebRTC signaling server is available for basic live streaming functionality using TURN servers. It’s in early development stage and not recommended for production use.
    • Some advanced features require executing server commands for accessing tools like FFmpeg. This involves special configuration and security precautions on web server. By default executing commands (and these features) are disabled.


    When using Wowza SE, WebRTC streaming is done trough media server, as relay, for reliability and scalability needed for these solutions. Conventional out-of-the-box WebRTC solutions require each client to establish and maintain separate connections with every other participant in a complicated network where the bandwidth load increases exponentially as each additional participant is added. For P2P, streaming broadcasters need server grade connections to live stream to multiple users and using a regular home ADSL connection (that has has higher download and bigger upload) causes real issues. These solutions use the powerful streaming server as WebRTC node to overcome scalability and reliability limitations. Solution combines WebRTC HTML5 streaming with relay server streaming for a production ready setup.
    Current implementation allows HTML5 broadcasting using WebRTC from Chrome and Safari.


    Some demo site screenshots show tests with the “Big Buck Bunny” video, available under Creative Commons Attribution at .


    • Plugin Homepage :
    • Developer Contact :


    • Test it on live site


    More information, the latest updates, other plugins and non-WordPress editions can be found at .

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