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    Tickera – WordPress Event Ticketing

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    If you want to sell tickets on your website and deliver them to your customers digitally, Tickera is exactly what you need. By using Tickera plugin to sell and deliver tickets, you are essentially setting up your own hosted ticketing solution where you control the profits without any middleman fees taken by Tickera.

    Tickera allows you to check in attendees easily by using integrated Barcode readers. If you want to check the tickets in on your iOS and Android devices, our powerful premium Checkinera apps will help you check the tickets in with blazing speeds and even offline! Also Checkinera web app web app is available which can turn any web browser to fully fledged check-in system.

    The easy way to sell, deliver and check in tickets in WordPress.


    Want to test premium version of Tickera with all add-ons? Request a demo access


    These guys offer a whole different level of service… give them a go! – James Farmer

    Tickera is filling a very deep and large hole in the ticket system market – Vinicius Freire, ViaMarket

    I’ve compared and tried many ticket plugins and I have to say – this one is the best – Scope Themes

    In my opinion Tickera is the best ticket management solution available today on WordPress – Anton Kozlov

    Cannot recommend Tickera highly enough – DJ Andy Ward


    Tickera plugin comes with 2Checkout payment gateway, Custom Offline Payments and Free Orders.

    If you need more payment options, you can download Tickera Premium version which includes:

    • Mollie (iDeal, Credit Card, Bancontact / Mister Cash, SOFORT Banking, Overbooking, Bitcoin, PayPal, paysafecard and AcceptEmail)
    • PayPal Standard
    • PayPal PRO
    • 2Checkout
    • Stripe
    • Paymill
    • PIN Payments
    • Vogue Pay
    • iPay88
    • PayGate
    • OptimalPayments / Netbanx payment gateway
    • Braintree
    • PayUMoney
    • PayTabs
    • White Payments
    • PayU Latam
    • Komoju
    • Custom Offline Payments
    • Free Orders.

    WooCommerce COMPATIBLE

    Already running WooCommerce on your website? Take the best of both worlds! Sell tickets as WooCommerce products on your website and deliver them to your buyers using the awesomeness of this WooCommerce and Tickera fusion! Yes, it is as good as it sounds. Learn more about Bridge for WooCommerce


    Sell the tickets with assigned seats! Seating Charts add-on makes it easy to create floor plans of your venue with seating groups, standing areas and points of interest. All of that using the simple and intuitive drag’n’drop interface.


    Your customers will be able to purchase unlimited number of tickets from more than one event at once!


    Ticket builder allows you to create ticket templates which could be selected for each ticket type. So each ticket type (Standard, VIP, etc.) may look totally different and you can achieve that easily by dragging and dropping elements, reordering, changing font sizes and colors, ticket paper size and its orientation or even put a full-background image if you want fully custom design of the ticket.


    Tickera plugin is ready for white-labeling. By changing just one line of code, you’ll rename the plugin by your own or client’s preference


    Do you have WordPress multisite installed with a number of subsites and clients? Awesome! Give your clients option to create their own events and sell tickets!


    Purchase form includes info from each ticket owner. New hooks allows you to add new fields for buyer or ticket owners. It would be useful if you want to add, for instance, additional field where your customers may choose food preference, set their age, sex, etc. In addition, buyers are able to download tickets directly from a purchase confirmation page – no more lost emails which have to be sent manually, lost attachments or server issues which prevent tickets to reach your clients.
    Check Custom Forms add-on and create beautiful forms which will fit into your theme’s design. Control order of the elements, number of columns, set required and optional fields in an easy way.


    Check out Stripe Connect. Tickera add-on which will allow you to take a percentage per each sale on your WordPress multisite network.


    You’ll be able to translate every possible word in a WordPress way.


    Collect taxes with Tickera. Administrators can set up and manage tax rate easily!


    Tickera works well and look good with almost every WordPress theme out there


    Create multiple ticket types for one or more events, set ticket quantity limits (ticket quantity per purchase, available check-ins per ticket…)


    Add additional fee per ticket in order to cover payment gateway, service or any other type of cost


    Create unlimited number of discount codes available for all or just certain ticket type


    Tickera is developer friendly. Customize any aspect of Tickera with actions and filters! Extend its functionality by creating great add-ons!


    Extend Tickera with a number of add-ons.


    Stuck? Check out the plugin documentation


    • Freemius manages upgrades to the premium license and handles premium licensing. Privacy policy:
    • TCPDF handles the rendering process of tickets, QR codes and barcodes. Privacy policy:
    • Google Map API handles the rendering process of ticket template’s Google Map element. Privacy policy:
    • collects customer geolocation information (e.g City, ZIP) to pre-fill checkout payment forms. Privacy policy:
    • 2Checkout makes it possible to accept payments via 2Checkout payment gateway. Privacy policy:
    • Tickera used for pulling the list of add-ons offered in the Add-ons area of the plugin. Privacy policy:
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    While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience.

    To submit a Feedback click the from the bottom right corner of the site.

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