This plugin cleans up: Revisions Auto drafts Deleted comments Unapproved comments Spammed comments Deleted comments Orphaned post meta Orphaned comment meta Orphaned user meta Orphaned term meta Orphan term relationships Unused terms Duplicated post meta Duplicated comment meta Duplicated user…
Duplicate Post
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This plugin allows users to clone posts of any type, or copy them to new drafts for further editing. How it works: In ‘Edit Posts’/’Edit Pages’, you can click on ‘Clone’ link below the post/page title: this will immediately create…
WordPress Duplicator
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With over 40 million downloads Duplicator successfully gives WordPress users the ability to backup, migrate, clone, copy, move and transfer a site from one location to another. Duplicator handles serialized and base64 serialized replacements. WordPress migrations and WordPress backups are…