Visual Theme Customizer
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Style your WordPress site visually. Discover the most popular front-end design plugin! Try live demo. Visual CSS Editor The plugin allows you to customize any page and theme without coding. Click on an element and start visual editing. Adjust colors,…
MyStyle Custom Product Designer
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You can enable any product in WooCommerce for single side or multi-side personalization & customization using the MyStyle Custom Product Designer. This allows any user to design their own graphics with a photo-realistic live product preview. Our renderer can then…
Register Plus Redux
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Creative Commons Configurator
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WP Admin UI Customize
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Dashboard Display options tab Output-meta site Admin bar (Toolbar) Admin menu (Side menu) Management of meta boxes Login screen Other features. These to Customization is possible. 日本語でのご説明 このプラグインは、管理画面UIのカスタマイズをするプラグインです。 「ダッシュボード」「オプションタブ」「サイトのメタタグ管理」「管理バー」「管理メニュー」「メタボックス」「ログイン画面」 これらのカスタマイズを、このプラグインひとつで出来ます。
Simple customize
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Personalise your own website, no matter what theme and what customization options are added by the themes creator. When active, the plugin will add a new section to your Customize screen entitled Simple Customize, containing input fields for various elements…
White Label CMS
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The White Label CMS plugin is for developers who want to give their clients a more personalised and less confusing content management system. For a overview of the changes in 2.0 version of the plugin please visit the Video User…
Titan Framework
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