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    Super Socializer

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    A plugin enables website to utilize all the social features from Login to Sharing, Commenting and more.


    • Login using social accounts
    • Supports Social Sharing
    • Supports Social Commenting
    • Displays Social Feed
    • Fetches Users Profile Data from social account
    • Customize Facebook comments interface language
    • Supports: 80 social providers including Vkontakte, Instagram, Pinterest, facebook, twitter, Google+


    0% CPU USAGE
    0.0104 sec LOAD TIME


    Developer The Champ provides truly amazing support. By the time we reviewed the plugin we observed that 54 out of 55 support threads have been resolved in the last two months, which is just outstanding. However, there is no documentation available for this plugin.

    Plugin ver- 2.5.2       WordPress ver- 3.9.1       Tested on 21 May, 2014
    System configuration: 1 core processsor, Memory - 512mb, 20gb SSD Disk

    Integrate Social Login, Social Share and Social Comments at your website easiest and simplest possible way.

    1. Plugin will not work on local server. You should have an online website for the plugin to function properly.
    2. If you want to integrate only Facebook Login button, you should install Heateor Login
    3. If you want to integrate more Social Login buttons including Facebook, you should install Heateor Social Login
    4. If you want to integrate only Facebook Comments, you should install Fancy Comments
    5. If you want to integrate only Social Share, you should install Sassy Social Share

    Feature list

    • Compatible with PHP 8
    • GDPR Compliant
    • Compatible with Gutenberg editor
    • Compatible with myCRED (append myCRED referral ID at the end of the url being shared)
    • Social Share from around 100 social networks
    • Social Media follow icons
    • Share counts are supported for Twitter, Buffer, Reddit, Pinterest, Odnoklassniki, Fintel and Vkontakte
    • FREE icon customization options
    • Options to specify sharing icon shape – Square, Round and Rectangular
    • Options to specify sharing icon size – minimum 16 pixels, no upper limit
    • Options to specify sharing icon backround color and logo color
    • Sharing counter customization options
    • Enable share count cache with option to control cache refresh time-frame
    • Enable url shortening to use in sharing
    • Horizontal and Vertical (floating) layout for sharing
    • Customizable target url for sharing
    • Rearrange order of sharing icons
    • Specify position of sharing icons with respect to content – Top and Bottom
    • Enable/Disable sharing on default/custom post types
    • Enable/Disable sharing on individual pages/posts
    • Enable/Disable total/individual share count(s)
    • Mobile responsive social share bar
    • Compatible with AMP
    • Enable/Disable vertical/floating sharing interface on mobile device
    • Social Login from 27 Social Networks – Facebook, Google, Linkedin, Twitter, Vkontakte, Line, Windows Live (Microsoft), Yahoo, WordPress, Dribbble, Kakao, Spotify, Github, Twitch, Instagram, Steam, Dropbox, Foursquare, Disqus, Reddit, Stack Overflow, Discord,, Amazon, Odnoklassniki, Youtube and Yandex
    • Enable double opt-in for the users using social login
    • Enable Social Login icons at WordPress Login, Register pages and comment form
    • Syncs user’s basic social profile data with WordPress profile
    • Enable Social Login at WooCommerce checkout page and customer login form
    • Enable Sharing at WooCommerce products
    • Syncs user’s basic social profile data with WooCommerce profile
    • Sync social profile data with BuddyPress XProfile fields
    • Auto-approve comments made by users logged in using Social Login
    • Use user’s social profile avatar as profile picture at your website
    • Customizable login/post-registration redirection
    • Enable Facebook Like/Recommend, Twitter Tweet, Yummly, Buffer, Xing buttons
    • Enable Social Comments – Facebook Comments, Disqus Comments
    • Widgets and shortcodes for Social Share, Social Login, Social Comments and Like Buttons
    • Let your users link their social accounts to the account at your website
    • Compatible with BuddyPress, bbPress, WooCommerce
    • Multisite Compatible
    • Supports HTTPS enabled websites
    • 24/7 quickest customer support

    Detailed Overview:

    Social Login

    Enables users to login to your website through their existing IDs on popular social networks.


    1. Rapid signup/login: When using Social network for login, users do not need to type anything (most of the users are already logged into their social accounts). It helps in boosting signup/login rate at your blog.

    2. Profile Data: User’s profile data will be saved in your blog database. This data also includes users’ email, enabling you to communicate with them.

    3. Spam Reduction: Because social networks authenticate individuals and generally don’t allow multiple accounts, the likelihood of false identities and spammers goes down.

    Social Sharing

    Enables users to share your website content over popular sharing networks resulting in increased user traffic.


    1. Increased User Traffic: When users share content over their Social network, it shows up in front of more people which results in increased user traffic at your website.

    2. SEO Optimization: Social sharing helps your website content get indexed faster and improves other factors that help in search engine optimization of your blog.

    Social Comments

    Enables users to comment on your website using their Social Media accounts.


    1. Virality: When people comment at your blog using their Facebook and Disqus accounts, the comment not only shows up at your blog, but it also appears in their news feed. This puts your blog in front of new audience which further adds to the likelihood of you getting a new returning visitor.

    2. Higher Conversations: When you know the person commenting on something, it’s more likely that you will also type out your ideas there, unlike the situation when you don’t know the person involved in the conversation.

    3. Credibility: In traditional comment form, anyone can put any fake name (Bruce Wayne ….. ;)) to comment on your blog. If the same comment is from the original Facebook account of the person who is commenting, you can give credibility to this user and also the people will automatically trust it.

    4. No Spam: You can get rid off the spammers and users, commenting using their fake accounts.

    5. Works for the lazy: Most people are nowadays lazy. To get these people commenting on your blog, it will just require them to login to their Facebook account (which almost everyone does after powering ON computer).

    User Profile Data

    Every time a user logs in, plugin fetches profile data of the user and store that in your WordPress database.


    1. Better Customer Relationship: User profile data includes user’s personal information which can be used to foster customer relationships.

    2. Updated and Genuine Data: As people update their (real) profile details on their Social network, you get updated and genuine data which is unlikely in case of traditional registration process.

    3. Enhances Marketing Efforts: Social data can integrate with third-party platforms such as email marketing platforms, ad servers, recommendation engines, and more, to target the right users with the right messages which increases ROI (Return on Investment).

    Social Media Follow Icons

    Redirect website visitors to your Social Media pages

    Single sign-on

    Enable single sign-on in your WordPress multisite network

    What makes this plugin different and why should I choose this plugin when there are many other social plugins?

    1. Free: Yea, right. It is a free plugin. You need not pay single penny to use the features of this plugin.
    2. No need to register anywhere: Unlike other third party Social plugins, you do not need to create an account at third party website.
    3. Absolutely Simple: Plugin configuration is kept dead simple. Screenshots are provided with options wherever required.
    4. Fresh Icon Themes: Fresh and trendy themes are used for Social Login and Sharing icons.
    5. Optimal Loading time: Loading time of Social Login and Sharing icons is optimal and if you compare with other plugins, you will find it less than that of all those plugins.
    6. We promise to provide best quality among other similar plugins. If you find our plugin is lacking some feature, you can email us and we will do our best to include that feature in our plugin as soon as possible.
    7. Our support team is working 24/7 to answer your queries and assist you. You will find us the quickest to respond.

    Important links

    Support Documentation | Social Analytics | Add-ons

    You can provide your feedback at hello[at]heateor[dot]com

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    Last Updated40 Days ago
    Published11 years ago

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    WPD is the unofficial online plugin directory of WordPress.

    An attempt has been made to list Only functional, active,efficient and up-to-date plugins.

    Categorized : Plugin are listed by category and subcategory based on functionality and uses. Here you can browse wordpress plugin from our neatly categorized plugin directory and sort the plugins by rating, votes, last updated and published and search plugins using tags.

    Search : Plugins can be searched by their functionality using multi-tag search and you can search plugins using their exact name although we are not ensuring Google like search accuracy.

    Create Plugin Lists : You will be able to create list of plugins and share them with Wordpress Community or you can keep them private and use them as a bookmarks.
    e.g. Plugins That I’ve Used on My Site, Best Event Management Plugins, Christmas Plugins etc.

    If you think certain awesome plugin is not in the directory then notify us through our Submit a Plugin page.

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    Searching a specific Plugin in WPD

    If you want to find a specific plugin in our directory, Go to Homepage and then select the "Search in Title" option. Then write the name of the plugin and click the search button to find the Plugin.

    Plugin Lists

    Whats a Plugin List

    Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create Plugin Lists and share it with anyone or make it private.

    Why Create a plugin List?
    • Easy to keep track of your favourite and useful plugin.

    • Share list of plugins on blogs, social media or to a client.

    • Keep a track of what plugins you installed in which of your blogs by creating a list for each blog

    Creating a Plugin List

    To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site.
    In the Description field, put a few words describing the List.
    By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.

    Adding Plugins to your List

    To add a plugin to your List, go to a plugin page and click the "Add to List" button. A popup box will appear where you can select in which of your list you want to add this plugin. You can add a note if you want, this note will appear below the plugin in your list.
    P.S: You can only add plugins that are in our directory.

    Your Lists will appear in our "Plugin Lists" page when you set the list as "Public" and your list contains atleast 2 plugins.

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    While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience.

    To submit a Feedback click the from the bottom right corner of the site.

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