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    Euro FxRef Currency Converter

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    Using the [currency] shortcode you can convert one currency to another. The conversion is based on the rates published by the ECB. You can change from and to any of the supported currencies.

    The [currency_legal] shortcode outputs a disclaimer text and a link to the ECB eurofxref page.


    ECB advices against using their rates for transaction purposes. From their site: “The reference rates are published for information purposes only. Using the rates for transaction purposes is strongly discouraged.”

    The reference rates are usually updated by ECB at around 16:00 CET every working day, except on TARGET closing days.

    Go to the ECB site for more information and disclaimers.

    Also note that conversion from non-Euro to non-Euro is done through the Euro, so GBP to USD is calculated as GBP → EUR → USD (converted 2 times).

    This plugin is based on a plugin by Xclamation.

    Also see wp_eurofxref on GitHub where development takes place.

    Shortcode usage & examples

    currency_legal shortcode

    This shortcode returns the string ‘* For informational purposes only. Exchange rates may vary. Based on ECB reference rates.’

    The prepended ‘* ‘ (the same string as the [currency] append string) can be changed using the ‘prepend’ attribute.

    For example: [currency_legal prepend='Please note: ']

    If you want to change the default prepent string for your whole site you can use the default shortcode_atts_currency_legal filter.
    See the shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} reference for more information about this.

    currency shortcode


    • from: currency code (default: EUR)
    • to: currency code (default: USD)
    • amount: number of “from” currency (default: 1)
    • iso: boolean (default false); use ISO currency formatting.”€ 1″ would become “1 EUR” in ISO notation.
    • show_from: boolean (default true); show from amount in output
    • between: string (default ‘ / ’ which is displayed as ‘ / ‘ in the browser); string between from and to amounts
    • append: string (default ‘ ‘ which is displayed as ‘ ‘ in the browser); string put after conversion. The * references the disclaimer text, see [currency_legal] shortcode.
    • round: boolean (default true); Round numbers to whole units.
    • round_append: string (default ‘=’); replaces decimals
    • no_from_show_rate: boolean (default true); when from amount is hidden in the output the “to” text gets a tooltip that displays the exchange rate. The <span> element with this tooltip is styled with the to_style css string below. Set the no_from_show_rate option to false to disable the <span> and tooltip.
    • to_style: css string (default ‘cursor:help;border-bottom:1px dotted gray;’); styling of “to” text <span> wrapper.

    If you want to change the defaults for your whole site you can use the default shortcode_atts_currency filter. See the shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} reference for more information about this.


    • [currency amount="875" from="EUR" to="GBP"]
      becomes “€ 875,= / £ 697.= *”
    • [currency amount="875" from="GBP" to="USD" iso=true between=" converts to " append="" round_append=""]
      becomes “875 GBP converts to 1,418 USD”
    • [currency amount="875" from="GBP" to="USD" show_from=false round=false]
      becomes “$ 1,130.15 *”

    Static method usage & examples

    `legal_string` method

    The legal string can also be retrieved in PHP


    <?php echo EuroFxRef::legal_string( $prepend ) ?>


    • $prepend (string) The string to prepend the legal text with, default ‘* ‘

    Return Value

    (string) Legal text prepended with $prepend string.

    `convert` method

    Since v1.3, you can call the convertor staticly from PHP in your code.


    <?php EuroFxRef::convert( $amount, $from, $to ); ?>


    • $amount (float) The amount of currency you want to convert.
    • $from (string) The currency code the amount is in, default EUR.
    • $to (string) The currency code the amount must be converted to, default USD

    Return Value

    (float) the converted value or 0 (zero) if any of the currency code’s are not available.


    • <?php $process_later = EuroFxRef::convert( 10, 'USD', 'GBP' ); ?>
      will return the raw numeric (float) value without formatting: 6.01877256317689468545495401485823094844818115234375

    Currently available currencies

    • AUD – Australian dollar ($)
    • BGN – Bulgarian lev (лв.)
    • BRL – Brasilian real (R$)
    • CAD – Canadian dollar ($)
    • CHF – Swiss franc (CHF)
    • CNY – Chinese yuan (¥)
    • CZK – Czech koruna (Kč)
    • DKK – Danish krone (kr.)
    • EUR – Euro (€)
    • GBP – Pound sterling (£)
    • HKD – Hong Kong dollar ($)
    • HUF – Hungarian forint (Ft)
    • IDR – Indonesian rupiah (Rp)
    • ILS – Israeli new sheqel (₪)
    • INR – Indian rupee (₹)
    • ISK – Icelandic króna (kr.)
    • JPY – Japanese yen (¥)
    • KRW – South Korean won (₩)
    • MXN – Mexican peso ($)
    • MYR – Malaysian ringgit (RM)
    • NOK – Norwegian krone (kr)
    • NZD – New Zealand dollar ($)
    • PHP – Philippine peso (₱)
    • PLN – Polish złoty (zł)
    • RON – Romanian leu (lei)
    • SEK – Swedish krona (kr)
    • SGD – Singapore dollar ($)
    • THB – Thai baht (฿)
    • TRY – Turkish lira (₺)
    • USD – United States (US) dollar ($)
    • ZAR – South African rand (R)

    LTL and LVL are not published any more at least since 2-jan-2020.
    RUB is not published since 1-jun-2022 and HRK since 2-jan-2023.

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