Contact Coldform
Add to ListContact Coldform is a secure, lightweight, flexible contact form with plenty of options and squeaky clean markup. Coldform blocks spam while making it easy for your visitors to contact you from your WordPress-powered website.
The plugin settings make it easy to take full control with plenty of options and several built-in themes for styling the form. Coldform delivers everything you need and nothing you don’t — no frills, no gimmicks, just pure contact-form satisfaction.
Even better! Check out my new Ajax-powered Contact Form X »
- Use shortcode or template tag to display Coldform anywhere
- Coldform sends descriptive, well-formatted plain-text email
- Safe and secure: Coldform blocks spam and malicious content
- Lightweight, standards-compliant, semantic, valid HTML markup
- Easy to configure and style from the Coldform Settings page
- Slick toggle-panel Settings Page makes it easy to customize
- Style Coldform using built-in “coldskins” or use custom CSS
- Use template tag to display Coldform anywhere in your theme
- Use shortcode to display Coldform on any WP Post or Page
- Displays customizable confirmation message to the sender
Anti-spam & Security
- Anti-spam: Coldform includes optional challenge question
- Bot trap: hidden input field further reduces automated spam
- Solid security: protects against bad bots and malicious input
- User-friendly error messages to help users complete the form
Customize Everything
- Includes option to enable users to receive carbon copies
- Coldform message includes IP, host, agent, and other details
- Customize field captions, error messages, and success message
- Includes three built-in themes “coldskins” to style, or
- Style the Coldform with your own custom CSS
- Option to add a custom prefix to the subject line
- Option to disable the captcha for registered users
Clean Codes
Coldform brings delicious code on every front:
- Standards-based code, built with the WordPress API
- Valid, semantic source code with proper formatting
- Coldform emails include descriptive, well-formatted content
- Better performance: CSS loaded only when form is displayed
More Features
- Works perfectly without JavaScript
- Option to reset default settings
- Options to customize many aspects of the form
- Options to customize success, error, and spam messages
- Option to enable and disable CSS styles
- Works perfectly with or without Gutenberg Block Editor
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Contact Coldform enables visitors to send a message via contact form. Any information that the user enters into the form will be sent directly to the recipient(s) according to plugin settings. Each email message optionally includes the sender’s IP address, user agent, and other data (visit the plugin setting “Disable Data” to disable sending of IP address and other user data). This plugin does not collect or store any user data. It does not set any cookies, and it does not connect to any third-party location(s).
Contact Coldform is developed and maintained by Jeff Starr, 15-year WordPress developer and book author.
Support development
I develop and maintain this free plugin with love for the WordPress community. To show support, you can make a donation or purchase one of my books:
- The Tao of WordPress
- Digging into WordPress
- .htaccess made easy
- WordPress Themes In Depth
- Wizard’s SQL Recipes for WordPress
And/or purchase one of my premium WordPress plugins:
- BBQ Pro – Super fast WordPress firewall
- Blackhole Pro – Automatically block bad bots
- Banhammer Pro – Monitor traffic and ban the bad guys
- GA Google Analytics Pro – Connect WordPress to Google Analytics
- Head Meta Pro – Ultimate Meta Tags for WordPress
- Simple Ajax Chat Pro – Unlimited chat rooms
- USP Pro – Unlimited front-end forms
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