Advanced Custom Fields: Table Field
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The Table Field plugin is an Add-on and enhances the functionality of the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin and the Secure Custom Fields plugin with easy-to-edit tables. This plugin requires the Advanced Custom Fields plugin or the Secure Custom Fields…
The Tag Groups plugin allows you to organize your WordPress taxonomy terms and show them in clouds, tabs, accordions, tables, lists and much more. You can customize your term displays with a huge number of options and use them in…
Taxonomy Images
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Displaying Your Images in Your Theme There are a few filters that you can use in your theme to display the image associations created by this plugin. Please read below for detailed information. Display a single image representing the term…
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
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Replace the default taxonomy boxes with a custom metabox that uses radio buttons… effectively limiting each post to a single term in that taxonomy. A plugin options page allows the user can select which taxonomies she’d like to switch to…
It’s EASY to create an index on your WordPress blog with EasyIndex. It works right out of the box. Most other index solutions require you to laboriously select and add each category or tag you want to index , or…
Categorized Tag Cloud
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“Categorized Tag Cloud” is a free plugin for WordPress, developed by the staff to generate a cloud with the website’s most used tags, in a sidebar widget. The words inside the cloud are filtered by category, so you can…
WP News and Scrolling Widgets
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✅ Now that you have your website ready then why don’t you download and try out this News and widget plugin to give it better functionality. By downloading our WordPress news and scrolling widget plugin on your website, you are…
3D WP Tag Cloud-S
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This is a Single Cloud variant of 3D WP Tag Cloud. It Creates multiple instances widget that draws and animates an HTML5 canvas based tag cloud. Plugin may rotate 16 types of content: Pages, Recent Posts, External Links (blogroll), Menus,…
WC Fields Factory
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It’s a woocommerce extension, which helps you to collect extra options from user. The extra options will be carried over to cart, checkout, order & email. Using it’s simple field configuration views, you can easily create and publish custom fields…
Product Catalog
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