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    Ad Inserter

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    Ad management plugin with many advanced advertising features to insert ad codes at optimal positions.

    Supports all kinds of ads including Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager (DFP – DoubleClick for publishers), contextual Amazon Native Shopping Ads, , Infolinks and rotating banners.

    This plugin is more than AdSense plugin or plugin for ads. It provides many advanced options to insert opt-in forms, header scripts, Javascript, CSS, HTML, PHP, analytics, tracking or advert code anywhere on the page.

    Insert ads where other plugins fail.
    It’s all about the settings.

    Plugin reviews:

    I’ve been using another ad placement manager for a couple years and just recently started using Ad Inserter.

    I’m blown AWAY with the power and flexibility of it.

    I can HIGHLY recommend this plugin to anyone looking for an easy way to manage ads within WordPress.

    Difficult to choose, but certainly top 3 plugins I’ve ever used in WordPress, ever.

    Features – check documentation for the complete list

    • AdSense integration
    • Support for Google Ad Manager (DoubleClick for publishers)
    • Syntax highlighting editor
    • Plain JavaScript code on front-end – no library dependencies
    • Code preview with visual CSS editor
    • Automatically inserts ads on posts and pages
    • Insert before or after post
    • Insert before or after content
    • Insert before or after paragraph
    • Insert before or after random paragraph
    • Insert before or after multiple paragraphs
    • Insert before or after image
    • Insert before or after comments
    • Insert before or after excerpt
    • Insert near any element on the page (using CSS selectors)
    • Insert above the header (after <body> tag)
    • Insert in the footer (before </body> tag)
    • Insert at relative positions in posts
    • Insert between posts on blog pages (in-feed AdSense)
    • Insert between excerpts on blog pages
    • Insert between comments
    • Insert at custom hook positions (do_action () WP function)
    • Insert before or after any HTML element using CSS selectors
    • Visual HTML element selector (DOM explorer)
    • Avoid inserting ads near images or headers (AdSense TOS)
    • Disable ads on individual posts or pages
    • Insert header (<head> section) and footer code
    • Insert raw HTTP response header lines
    • Insert Google Analytics, Matomo (Piwik) or any other tracking code
    • Insert images, HTML, CSS, Javascript or PHP code
    • Insert into Ajax, RSS and REST requests
    • Code generator for banners and placeholders
    • AdSense code generator
    • Support to detect, hide or replace blank AdSense blocks
    • Visual advert editor – create adverts from scratch
    • Manual insertion: widgets, shortcodes, PHP function call
    • Sticky (fixed) widgets (sticky sidebar – the sidebar does not move when the page is scrolled)
    • Custom alignments and styles
    • Insert different ad codes on AMP pages
    • Custom CSS class name for wrapping divs to avoid ad blockers
    • Use shortcodes from other plugins
    • Use custom fields as defined in posts
    • Use post title, tags or category names to create contextual adverts
    • PHP code processing
    • Ad labels – show customized label above adverts
    • ads.txt editor
    • Support for GDPR consent checks
    • Support for IAB TCF 2.0 GDPR consent API (used by Quantcast Choice)
    • Ad rotation (server-side and client-side – works with caching)
    • Timed ad rotation – define times to rotate adverts in a single ad block
    • Create rich media ads with standard WordPress TinyMCE editor
    • Ad blocking detection – popup message, page redirection
    • Desktop/mobile device detection (server-side and client-side – works with caching)
    • Blacklist/Whitelist categories, tags, taxonomies, post IDs, urls, url query parameters, cookies, referrers, browsers, operating systems
    • Easy copying and pasting ads or settings using internal clipboard
    • Use it with Google Site Kit or replace it to have more control over ad placement
    • Simple troubleshooting with many debugging functions
    • Function to visualize inserted blocks
    • Function to visualize AdSense ads with ad names and IDs
    • Function to visualize available insertion positions
    • Function to visualize HTML tags
    • You name it 🙂

    Review on WP Mayor

    The Best WordPress Ad Management Plugin?

    Review on ShoutMeLoud

    Both Google and Amazon recommend this plugin for inserting ads, which is a testament to its quality

    Endorsed by GoogleHow to insert ad code in your WordPress site

    If you’re new to AdSense, one of your first tasks is to connect your site to AdSense. This requires you to copy the code on your AdSense homepage and paste it into the HTML of your page, between the <head> and </head> tags.

    Endorsed by AmazonWordPress Integration Guide for Native Shopping Ads.

    Native Shopping Ads provide highly relevant and dynamic product recommendations in a stylishly designed and responsive ad unit that can be placed at the end or within your content to create a more compelling visitor experience and shopping opportunity.

    👉 Pro version supports additional advanced features:

    • Geolocation using internal or MaxMind databases (works also with caching)
    • Country, state, region and city level geotargeting
    • Blacklist/Whitelist IP addresses or countries/cities (works also with caching)
    • Ad impression and click statistics (works also with <iframe> Javascript ads like Google AdSense)
    • Statistics reports for clients in PDF format or public web pages
    • External tracking via Google Analytics or Matomo (Piwik)
    • A/B testing – discover adverts and settings that perform best
    • Frequency capping – limit impressions or clicks
    • Click fraud protection
    • reCaptcha v3 score check to hide ads from invalid traffic
    • Delayed loading of ad scripts until user interacts with the website
    • Lazy loading – delayed loading of ad scripts until the page is scrolled
    • Sticky ads with optional close button
    • Sticky sidebar ads (stick to the screen or to the content)
    • Floating slide-in banner adverts
    • Sticky (floating) ads with animations (fade, slide, turn, flip, zoom)
    • Animation trigger for sticky ads (page scroll in % or px, HTML element becomes visible)
    • background ads (skin ads)
    • Parallax ads
    • Support for sticky ad bar
    • Support for scheduling date and time with fallback option
    • Support to show ads as soon as the GDPR consent is given
    • Support for ads in iframes
    • Anti ad blocking features – replace ads, protect content
    • Ad blocking statistics
    • Multisite options to limit settings on the sites
    • Individual post/page exception management
    • Export and import of settings
    • Support via email

    Run a WordPress related blog? Have experience with AdSense? Interested in reviewing the plugin or would like to become an affiliate? Introduce yourself.

    Have experience with WordPress theme or plugin translation? We are looking for translators! Contact us.

    Check documentation pages for detailed description of all the features and some common settings for quick start.

    You can also use shortcodes from other plugins (for example, to insert content from other plugins).

    Looking for AdSense plugin with simple setup for ads at best positions?

    Ad Inserter can insert ads where other plugins fail.
    It’s all about the settings.

    Average Rating: 5 out of 5 stars – check Ad Inserter reviews

    One of the best adsense plugins
    Most comprehensive Ad plugin available
    Better than the old Google adsense plugin
    The best WP Ad management plugin
    Very flexible and excellent documentation
    Excellent Ad Plugin
    Easy to use and also does more than I need
    Exactly what I needed to sell advertising spots
    Awesome Plugin and Super Support!
    Lots of options and easy to use
    Crazy flexible
    Great plugin that makes it simple
    Superb Plugin and Support team also so good
    Best in same kind of plugins
    Must Have Plugin for Each WP Site
    Best Ad Placement Plugin
    Best Solution for Advertisement Management
    Comprehensive, flexible and well supported
    God bless these guys!
    PRO for Free

    Please support plugin development

    Support the advancement of this plugin:

    • Rate it – positive ratings and reviews are a great way to show your appreciation for my work. Besides being an incredible boost to my morale, they are also a great incentive to fix any bug found in the software and to add new features for better monetization of your website.
    • Donate if Ad Inserter helps you to make money with advertising
    • Register for Ad Inserter Pro Affiliate, promote the plugin on your website and earn commission for each purchase you refer
    • Buy license for Ad Inserter Pro
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    Last Updated19 Days ago
    Published14 years ago

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    WPD is the unofficial online plugin directory of WordPress.

    An attempt has been made to list Only functional, active,efficient and up-to-date plugins.

    Categorized : Plugin are listed by category and subcategory based on functionality and uses. Here you can browse wordpress plugin from our neatly categorized plugin directory and sort the plugins by rating, votes, last updated and published and search plugins using tags.

    Search : Plugins can be searched by their functionality using multi-tag search and you can search plugins using their exact name although we are not ensuring Google like search accuracy.

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    e.g. Plugins That I’ve Used on My Site, Best Event Management Plugins, Christmas Plugins etc.

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    Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create Plugin Lists and share it with anyone or make it private.

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    By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.

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    P.S: You can only add plugins that are in our directory.

    Your Lists will appear in our "Plugin Lists" page when you set the list as "Public" and your list contains atleast 2 plugins.

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