
  • Access & Security 95
  • Administration 171
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  • Communities & Forums 84
  • Development 47
  • E-Commerce 76
  • Email Management 53
  • Events & Calendars 80
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  • Miscellaneous 254
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  • Plugins 260
  • SEO & Site Speed 118
  • Social 186
  • Theme Enhancement 169
  • Backup plugins 18

    WP Database Backup

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    WP Database Backup plugin helps you to create Database Backup and Restore Database Backup easily on single click. Manual or Automated Database Backups And also store database backup on safe place- Dropbox,FTP,Email,Google drive, Amazon S3 Features Create Database Backup WP…

    4.5 96 56 Days ago 2,052,424

    WP Offload S3

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    FORMERLY WP OFFLOAD S3 LITE This plugin automatically copies images, videos, documents, and any other media added through WordPress’ media uploader to Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces or Google Cloud Storage. It then automatically replaces the URL to each media file…

    3.7 109 20 Days ago 2,238,011

    Dropbox Backup & Restore

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    0 20130 Days ago

    CYAN Backup

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    Backup your entire WordPress site and its database into a zip file on a schedule. Remote storage options include FTP, SFTP and FTPS. CYAN Backup is a fork of the great Total Backup by wokamoto. Currently support schedules are hourly,…

    4.1 11 106 Days ago 34,453

    Keep Backup Daily

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    Author: Fahad Mahmood Project URI: License: GPL 3. See License below for copyright jots and tittles. Keep Backup Daily backup your wordpress database and email to you daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly according to the settings. It is…

    4.4 45 99 Days ago 49,745

    EZ DB Backup and SQL Reports Shortcode and Widget

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    Just place some SQL on in the box and save it as a report. You can save multiple reports and they will be listed on the Admin Menu so you can quickly run them again anytime with just one click.…

    4.7 15 1255 Days ago 20,700

    Backup by blogVault

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    The Most Reliable Incremental WordPress Backup Plugin with Free Cloud Storage. The best Part, Comes with a FREE Staging Environment. BlogVault regularly backs up everything in your WordPress site – Including WordPress database, WordPress files, themes, images, etc. WordPress database…

    4.4 276 32 Days ago 4,488,757

    Backup Scheduler

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    0 20130 Days ago


    Add "VaultPress" to a List

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    Please note: This plugin is no longer actively supported for new customers. For the next generation of VaultPress technology, we recommend Jetpack Security. It includes real-time backups, malware scanning, anti-spam comment protection, and a new Web Application Firewall (WAF) for…

    3.8 73 32 Days ago 1,892,432

    UpdraftPlus – WordPress Backup and Restoration

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    The UpdraftPlus Backup & Migration Plugin is trusted by the WordPress community to backup, restore and migrate their WordPress websites. UpdraftPlus is actively installed on more than 3 million websites around the world. Backup with UpdraftPlus UpdraftPlus is the world’s…

    4.8 7,843 31 Days ago 134,566,501


    Add "BackUpWordPress" to a List

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    BackupWordPress was created by our friends at Human Made but is now under new ownership. We’re committed to opensource and WordPress and will provide free support for the many BackupWordPress fans. We’ll make occasional updates to the free software –…

    4.7 1,370 293 Days ago 4,857,432

    WordPress Duplicator

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    WordPress Backup & Migration Plugin Duplicator provides a simple way to move WordPress sites, create reliable backups, or clone a site for staging. With Duplicator, you can easily migrate, transfer, or clone your WordPress site between domains or hosts with…

    4.9 4,638 82 Days ago 46,380,060
    1 2

    Create a Plugin List

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    Submit A plugin

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    WPD is the unofficial online plugin directory of WordPress.

    An attempt has been made to list Only functional, active,efficient and up-to-date plugins.

    Categorized : Plugin are listed by category and subcategory based on functionality and uses. Here you can browse wordpress plugin from our neatly categorized plugin directory and sort the plugins by rating, votes, last updated and published and search plugins using tags.

    Search : Plugins can be searched by their functionality using multi-tag search and you can search plugins using their exact name although we are not ensuring Google like search accuracy.

    Create Plugin Lists : You will be able to create list of plugins and share them with Wordpress Community or you can keep them private and use them as a bookmarks.
    e.g. Plugins That I’ve Used on My Site, Best Event Management Plugins, Christmas Plugins etc.

    If you think certain awesome plugin is not in the directory then notify us through our Submit a Plugin page.

    Browsing the Plugin Directory

    Browse by Category

    In WPD, Plugins are categorized carefully. You can browse all the categories from the homepage or you can access the category lists from any page by clicking the button from the left of the website.

    Browse by Tags

    Each plugin listed in WPD is marked with useful tags. You can browse plugins by Tags from the All Tags page

    Searching in WPD

    Multi Tag Search

    You can search plugins using multiple tags. To perform a multi-tag search. Go to Homepage and then in the search field type any keywords or tags(comma separated) and then click on the search button. To search plugins from a selected category just select the category from the dropdown and type your tags.

    Searching a specific Plugin in WPD

    If you want to find a specific plugin in our directory, Go to Homepage and then select the "Search in Title" option. Then write the name of the plugin and click the search button to find the Plugin.

    Plugin Lists

    Whats a Plugin List

    Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create Plugin Lists and share it with anyone or make it private.

    Why Create a plugin List?
    • Easy to keep track of your favourite and useful plugin.

    • Share list of plugins on blogs, social media or to a client.

    • Keep a track of what plugins you installed in which of your blogs by creating a list for each blog

    Creating a Plugin List

    To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site.
    In the Description field, put a few words describing the List.
    By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.

    Adding Plugins to your List

    To add a plugin to your List, go to a plugin page and click the "Add to List" button. A popup box will appear where you can select in which of your list you want to add this plugin. You can add a note if you want, this note will appear below the plugin in your list.
    P.S: You can only add plugins that are in our directory.

    Your Lists will appear in our "Plugin Lists" page when you set the list as "Public" and your list contains atleast 2 plugins.

    Editing your Lists

    When you are on your list page, notice there is a button on the top right corner of the page. Click it to edit the List Name and the List Description.

    Accessing All your Lists

    You can access all your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab.

    Removing your Lists

    You can remove your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab. on top right of each list click the button to remove the list completely.

    While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience.

    To submit a Feedback click the from the bottom right corner of the site.

    Register or log in to assess the record