Google Website Translator by
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This plugin brings the power of Google’s automatic translation service to translate your website into 100+ languages. A simple and complete multilingual solution for WordPress. Features: Easy set up, including simple settings with inline help that everybody can understand. Include…
Translate WordPress with GTranslate plugin uses Google Translate automatic translation service to translate wordpress site with Google power and make it multilingual. With 103 available languages your site will be available to more than 99% of internet users. Our paid…
Loco Translate
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Loco Translate provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files and integration with automatic translation services. It also provides Gettext/localization tools for developers, such as extracting strings and generating templates. Features include: Built-in translation editor within WordPress admin Integration with translation…
GTS Translation Plugin
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The GTS Translation plugin provides human quality translation by allowing you to combine automatic translation and human post-editing (crowdsourcing). Your blog content is initially translated by our translation server. The content is then post-edited by human translators through our online…