Custom Login URL
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Custom Login URL (CLU) is a lightweight plugin that allows to customize default WP login, registration and password reminder URLs without modifying any files, simple and swift. Why would anyone would want to use this plugin? Well, after developing WPHelpDesk…
WPS Hide Login
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English WPS Hide Login is a very light plugin that lets you easily and safely change the url of the login form page to anything you want. It doesn’t literally rename or change files in core, nor does it add…
WP Limit Login Attempts
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Limit Login Attempts for login protection, protect site from brute force attacks.Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets…
Custom Login Page Styler – Admin login page
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All In One Custom Login Page Styler is the ultimate WordPress login plugin to customize and secure your login page. Whether you need branding, advanced security features, or user-friendly enhancements, this plugin delivers everything you need to control access and…
This plugin forbids access to and creates new urls, like or This is a great way to limit bots trying to brute-force your login (trying to guess your login and password). Of course, the new URLs are…
Birds Custom Login
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Birds Custom Login allows you to easily customize your admin login page according to your needs. This plugin is compatible with all of WordPress’ built-in functionalities and logout links will still function as they should. If no logo is uploaded,…
Custom Login Page Styler-Theme My Login-
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All In One Custom Login Page Styler is the ultimate WordPress login plugin to customize and secure your login page. Whether you need branding, advanced security features, or user-friendly enhancements, this plugin delivers everything you need to control access and…
Login Page Styler
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All In One Custom Login Page Styler is the ultimate WordPress login plugin to customize and secure your login page. Whether you need branding, advanced security features, or user-friendly enhancements, this plugin delivers everything you need to control access and…
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Security-Protection Donate WordPress plugins Why humans should prove that they are humans by filling captchas? Lets bots prove that they are not bots with adding javascript to their user-agents! Security-Protection blocks and stops brute-force attacks. Want to read more how…