TJ Custom CSS
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This plugin will enable a custom css manager on administration page to add Custom CSS code to your WordPress website. It will automatically override any theme or plugin default styles. It also very useful if you want to add customization…
My Custom CSS
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Theme Junkie Custom CSS
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This plugin will enable a custom css manager on administration page to add Custom CSS code to your WordPress website. It will automatically override any theme or plugin default styles. It also very useful if you want to add customization…
WP Add Custom CSS
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WP Add Custom CSS allows you to add custom CSS to the whole website and to individual posts, pages and custom post types (such as Woocommerce products). The CSS rules applied to the whole website will override the default stylesheets…
Theme Tweaker
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Remove Query Strings From Static Resources
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Modular Custom CSS
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WordPress core provides custom CSS functionality in the customizer that’s specific to the current theme; you can switch themes freely with each theme’s additional CSS remaining in place. Sometimes, you need some CSS to apply regardless of the current theme…
Compiles .scss files on your wordpress install using ScssPhp. Includes settings page for configuring directories, error reporting, compiling options, and auto enqueuing. The plugin only compiles when changes have been made to the scss files. Compiles are made to the…
CSS & JavaScript Toolbox
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CSS & JavaScript Toolbox (or CJT) is a WordPress plugin that allows you to safely add CSS, JavaScript, PHP or HTML to unique code blocks that can be run anywhere on your website. IDEAL FOR: Making CSS front-end changes –…
Simple Custom CSS
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Add Custom CSS to your WordPress site without any hassles. An easy-to-use WordPress Plugin to add custom CSS styles that override Plugin and Theme default styles. This plugin is designed to meet the needs of administrators who would like to…