Whats a Plugin List
Plugin Lists are user created lists of plugins. Any registered users can create Plugin Lists and share it with anyone or make it private.
Why Create a plugin List?
- Easy to keep track of your favourite and useful plugin.
- Share list of plugins on blogs, social media or to a client.
- Keep a track of what plugins you installed in which of your blogs by creating a list for each blog
Creating a Plugin List
To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site.
In the Description field, put a few words describing the List.
By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.
Adding Plugins to your List
To add a plugin to your List, go to a plugin page and click the "Add to List" button. A popup box will appear where you can select in which of your list you want to add this plugin. You can add a note if you want, this note will appear below the plugin in your list.
P.S: You can only add plugins that are in our directory.
Your Lists will appear in our "Plugin Lists" page when you set the list as "Public" and your list contains atleast 2 plugins.
Editing your Lists
When you are on your list page, notice there is a button on the top right corner of the page. Click it to edit the List Name and the List Description.
Accessing All your Lists
You can access all your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab.
Removing your Lists
You can remove your Plugin lists by going to your profile and clicking the "Lists" tab. on top right of each list click the button to remove the list completely.
WP Content Filter
Add "WP Content Filter" to a List
You need to be logged in to add this plugin to your list.
Use this plugin to censor content on your site! Easily block out all forms of unwanted content by specifying a list of keywords to be filtered. Flexible options include advanced control over content such as strict/non-strict filtering. Flagged keywords which…