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    New User Approve

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    New User Approve plugin automates the user registration process on your WordPress website.

    Typically, the user registration process on a WordPress website is pretty straightforward. When a new user registers, their unique identity is created in the website’s database. An email is then sent to the new user that contains their login credentials. Simple as it can be, but it goes to say that there is plenty of room for customization.

    Introducing New User Approve – a new way to register users on your WordPress website.

    Here is how the process works with New User Approve:

    1. A user registers on the site, and their ID is created.
    2. An email is sent to the administrators of the site.
    3. An administrator is then given a choice to either approve or deny the registration request.
    4. An email is then sent to the user indicating whether they were approved or denied.
    5. If the user is approved, an email will be sent to them that includes their login credentials.
    6. Until the user is approved, they will not be able to login to the site.

    Only approved users will be allowed to log in to the site. Thus, users waiting for approval or the ones rejected will not be able to login to the site – Simple, straightforward, and effective.

    The user status can be updated even after the initial approval/denial request. The admin can search approve, deny and pending users. Also, users that have been created before the activation of New User Approve will be treated as approved users.

    Latest Update – New User Approve v2.3

    Automation Made Easier With Zapier
    Zapier allows you to automate mundane tasks and processes without the need for a developer. Zapier uses a simple trigger and action for creating commands, which in the case of New User Approve are:

    • User Approved – Triggers when a user is approved.
    • User Denied – Triggers when a user is denied.

    With Zapier, you can use the trigger events for applications like Gmail, Google Sheets, Slack and more.

    Send Invitation Codes
    Make the registration process easier by sending the invitation code to those who you want to skip the process altogether. People who user the invitation codes are auto-approved by the system.

    The invitation codes will be genrated manually and work smoothly with WooCommerce’s registration mechanism. They can also be edited and deactivated at any time.

    New User Approve v2.0 – Improved User Interface & Code Optimization
    The overall interface has been revised and improved for a trendy, fresh, and minimal look. The latest design includes a whole new look and experience for the layout so your users can have an experience unlike any other.

    The clean and easy user interface always helps the existing and the new customers gain confidence in your website.

    New User Approve is compatible with WooCommerce, MemberPress, WP-Foro, Learndash, and Ultimate Member, BuddyPress, Zapier.

    Follow New User Approve on Github

    Further support at

    Custom Actions & Filters
    New User Approve can be customized using custom actions and filters. You can find out more about these by browsing the source code.

    A commercial plugin that adds a config panel for customization is also available at

    The code for this plugin is also available at Github Pull requests are welcomed.

    new_user_approve_user_status – modify the list of users shown in the tables
    new_user_approve_request_approval_message – modify the request approval message
    new_user_approve_request_approval_subject – modify the request approval subject
    new_user_approve_approve_user_message – modify the user approval message
    new_user_approve_approve_user_subject – modify the user approval subject
    new_user_approve_deny_user_message – modify the user denial message
    new_user_approve_deny_user_subject – modify the user denial subject
    new_user_approve_pending_message – modify message user sees after registration
    new_user_approve_registration_message – modify message after a successful registration
    new_user_approve_register_instructions – modify message that appears on registration screen
    new_user_approve_pending_error – error message shown to pending users when attempting to log in
    new_user_approve_denied_error – error message shown to denied users when attempting to log in
    nua_input_sanitize_hook’,$input,$current – enables you to sanitize and save custom fields
    nua_pass_create_new_user’, $user_pass – modify the password being assiged to newly created user

    new_user_approve_user_approved – after the user has been approved
    new_user_approve_user_denied – after the user has been denied
    new_user_approve_approve_user – when the user has been approved
    new_user_approve_deny_user – when the user has been denied
    nua_add_settings’, $this->option_page – enables you to add custom setting fields
    nua_enqueue_scripts_for_settings – enables you to add custom scripts on settings page
    nua_settings_main_tab’,$action – enables you to add custom settings tab


    Click here to view the detailed technical documentation of New User Approve Free Version. The documentation includes a step-by-step configuration guide and troubleshooting.

    New User Approve Pro Features
    Download Premium from here

    • Ability to remove plugin stats from the admin dashboard.
    • Remove the admin panel from the WordPress dashboard specifically added to update user status.
    • Auto approve or reject users by adding them to Blacklist or Whitelist.
    • Customize the welcome message displayed above the WordPress login form.
    • Customize the “Pending error message” displayed to the user on the log-in page when their account is still pending approval.
    • Customize the “Denied error message” displayed to the user when their account is denied approval.
    • Customize the welcome message displayed above the WordPress registration form.
    • Customize the “registration complete” message displayed after the user submits the registration form for approval.
    • Ability To send notification emails to all admins.
    • Notify admins when a user’s status is updated.
    • Integration with Zapier – allow you to send data between Zapier and New User Approve.
    • Zapier trigger events for user approved and denied.
    • Create invitation codes for user registration form on BuddyPress.
    • Disable notification emails to current site admin.
    • Customize the email sent to admin/s when a user registers on the site.
    • Customize the email sent to the user when their profile is approved.
    • Customize the email sent to the user when their profile is denied.
    • Suppress denial notification(s).
    • Option to send all notification/s in the HTML format.
    • Different template tags can be used in Notification Emails and other messages.
    • Invitation codes to invite and approve users automatically.
    • Invitation codes can be generated manually and automatically.
    • Import invitation codes via CSV file.


    If you need help in translating the content of this plugin into your language, then take a look at the localization/new-user-approve.pot file, which contains all definitions and can be used with a gettext editor like Poedit (Windows). More information can be found on the Codex.

    • Belarussian translation by Fat Cow
    • Brazilian Portuguese translation by leogermani
    • Bulgarian translation by spaszs
    • Catalan translation by xoanet
    • Croatian translation by Nik
    • Czech translation by GazikT
    • Danish translation by GeorgWP
    • Dutch translation by Ronald Moolenaar
    • Estonian translation by (Rait Huusmann)(
    • Finnish translation by Tonttu-ukko
    • French translation by Philippe Scoffoni
    • German translation by Christoph Ploedt
    • Greek translation by Leftys
    • Hebrew translation by Udi Burg
    • Hungarian translation by Gabor Varga
    • Italian translation by Pierfrancesco Marsiaj
    • Lithuanian translation by Ksaveras
    • Persian translation by alimir
    • Polish translation by pik256
    • Romanian translation by Web Hosting Geeks
    • Russian translation by Alexey
    • Serbo-Croation translation by Web Hosting Hub
    • Slovakian translation by Boris Gereg
    • Spanish translation by Eduardo Aranda
    • Swedish translation by Per BjälevikThe code for this plugin is also available at Github – Pull requests welcomed.
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    Last Updated4 Days ago
    Published16 years ago

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