Create a column group with the [column-group] shortcode, then add columns to the group with the [column] shortcode, like this: [column-group] [column]This is my first column[/column] [column]This is my second column[/column] [/column-group] You can also span columns, like this: [column-group]…
Simple Revisions Delete
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Let you delete your posts revisions individually or all at once (purge or bulk action). Compatible with Gutenberg (experimental) and classic editor. What does it do? Simple Revisions Delete adds a discreet link within a post submit box to let…
Auto Featured Image from Title
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This plugin makes the process of publishing content more simple. Write your blog post. Spend hours searching stock photography websites online for the perfect image to go with your blog post. Done! If you don’t set a featured image manually,…
Visualizer: Charts and Graphs
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Visualizer: Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress is a powerful and easy to use plugin used to create, manage and embed interactive, responsive charts & tables into your WordPress posts and pages. The plugin leverages the Google Visualization API,,…
You can use this plugin to hide part of the text of a post in a nicely-formatted container that will becomes unhidden when clicked on. The plugin can be useful for creating FAQ pages, hiding large pictures, and things like…
This plugin brings the power of @mention inside tinyMCE. You can choose where the autocompletion gets his information from and on which custom post type this plugin is activated on. You can also create custom template replacement on the front-end…
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
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Now with support for the new block editor in WordPress 5.0! SyntaxHighlighter Evolved allows you to easily post syntax-highlighted code to your site without losing its formatting or making any manual changes. It uses the SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package by Alex…
Crayon Syntax Highlighter
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This plugin uses a custom field to allow sub titles/headings to be added to any post type, including pages, posts and any public custom post type. The custom subheading field is re-positioned so it is directly below the main title…
Note – A live edit text widget
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Note is a simple and easy to use widget for editing bits of text, live, in your WordPress front-end Customizer. Add Notes into any sidebar to visualize how your copy will appear within the unique layout and design of your…
One of the great benefits with using H5P is that it gives you access to lots of different interactive content types, such as presentation, interactive video, memory game, quiz, multiple choice, timeline, collage, hotspots, drag and drop, cloze test (fill…
OneNote Publisher
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