PHP Code for posts
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Pricing Table by Supsystic
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Create amazing pricing tables without any programming skills. It’s possible with Pricing Table WordPress plugin by Supsystic. Choose pricing table template, edit content with Pricing table builder and publish on the website. Pricing Table Features Responsive pricing tables Drag-and-drop builder…
Easy Pricing Tables Lite by Fatcat Apps
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The Easy Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin makes it easy to create and publish beautiful pricing tables and comparison tables on your WordPress site. You can build, customize and publish a pricing table in just a few minutes, straight from the…
CoinTent Paywall
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Batch-Move Posts wp plugin
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Add "tao-schedule-update" to a List
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A simple WordPress Plugin to Schedule Content Updates Motivation: These days WordPress is scarcely used as a pure blog. Most of the time it is used as a full blown CMS with many additional requirements. Especially the publishing workflow for…
WP Mass Delete
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SB Popular Posts Tabbed Widget
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Shows a tabbed widget for most popular, most commented and latest blog posts.
bdwebteam recent post tabs widget
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bdwebteam recent post tabs widget is advanced version of the WordPress Recent Responsive most popular posts, recent posts,top reviews, tabs Posts widget allowing increased customization to display recent posts from category,Order by,time limit you define. If you set to display…