Merge + Minify + Refresh
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This plugin merges/concatenates Cascading Style Sheets & Javascript files into groups. It then minifies the generated files using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS – fallback to Minify when not available). Minification is done via WP-Cron so that…
PHP Snippets
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Notification Bar plugin offers simple and user friendly user interface. Customize your own bar via options panel with important features which most of the bar plugins do not offer. Responsive , zero coding skills required, fulfill your needs. You can…
Easy Bootstrap Shortcode
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Gantry Template Framework
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This plugin adds a button to the admin bar that allow admins to switch the text direction of the site. It can be used to test WordPress themes and plugins with Right To Left (RTL) text direction.
Kirki is a customizer toolkit for WordPress. An open-source initiative by Themeum for WordPress theme developers. Kirki allows you to build themes quicker & more easily. With over 30 custom controls ranging from simple sliders to complex typography controls with…
Design Approval System
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Compiles .scss files on your wordpress install using ScssPhp. Includes settings page for configuring directories, error reporting, compiling options, and auto enqueuing. The plugin only compiles when changes have been made to the scss files. Compiles are made to the…