Amazon Web Services
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This plugin allows the user to define AWS access keys and allows other plugins to hook into it and use the AWS SDK that’s included. The plan was for this plugin to be a dependency of several plugins and all…
Google Drive WP Media
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cPanel Manager (from iControlWP)
Add "cPanel Manager (from iControlWP)" to a List
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The cPanel Manager plugin from iControlWP: Secure Multiple WordPress Management offers you the ability to connect to your Web Hosting cPanel account. Currently you can: Email Accounts View a list of all email accounts for all domains. Add a new…
DreamObjects Connection
Add "DreamObjects Connection" to a List
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Removes index.php from permalinks when using WordPress with nginx. Adds support for purging redis-cache when used as full-page cache created using nginx-srcache-module Adds support for nginx fastcgi_cache_purge & proxy_cache_purge directive from module. Provides settings so you can customize purging rules.…