Custom Login Page Styler – Admin login page
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All In One Custom Login Page Styler is the ultimate WordPress login plugin to customize and secure your login page. Whether you need branding, advanced security features, or user-friendly enhancements, this plugin delivers everything you need to control access and…
Slate Admin Theme
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Slate provides a clean, simplified design for your WordPress Admin area. Our goal was to simplify the visual design with a primary focus on the content writing experience. If you like Slate, please consider leaving a review here on WordPress.…
Default Admin Color Scheme
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Select a default admin color scheme for new and existing users. Optionally disable the color scheme picker to force a color scheme for all users. By default, WordPress uses the ‘Default’ color scheme unless a user has selected another color…
Admin Columns
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Manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments and media lists in the WordPress admin panel. Transform the WordPress admin screens into beautiful, clear overviews. Admin Columns Pro The Pro version of Admin Columns will allow columns to be…
Admin Branding and Tweaks
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The plugin allows you to easily control some tweaks of the WordPress admin side and login screen. After activating the plugin a new menu item called “Agent Branding” will be added under the “Settings” menu. List of Features Change the…
Multisite Enhancements
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When you work quite a bit with WordPress Multisites, sometimes you need more information or menu items. This plugin enhances the network area for super admins with useful functions. Adds Blog and User ID in network view more Enables an…
Webmaster User Role
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Simple Client Dashboard offers a new “Admin” user role, which fits perfectly between the default WordPress roles for Administrator and Editor access. This allows clients and Webmasters to manage their website content without you having to worry about critical settings…
Custom Login Customizer
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The Custom Login Page Customizer is an excellent solution for your WordPress website if you want to customize the login page to match your website’s branding. By customizing the login page, you can provide your users with a better experience,…
English WordPress Admin
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