Multipage Plugin
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Multipage for WordPress will make you able to order a post in multipages, giving each subpage a title and having a table of contents on the first or on every subpage. Make order in your posts! Forget about extremely lengthy…
Categories Images
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The Categories Images Plugin allow you to add image with category or taxonomy. Use <?php if (function_exists(‘z_taxonomy_image_url’)) echo z_taxonomy_image_url(); ?> to get the url and put it in any img tag or simply use <?php if (function_exists(‘z_taxonomy_image’)) z_taxonomy_image(); ?> in…
Top authors allows yoy to list your top authors with plenty of options. You can set the following in each widget: Widget title Roles to exclude Post types to include Authors to show 4 Preset display templates Custom display template…
ACF qTranslate
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This plugin provides qTranslate-X compatible ACF4 and ACF5PRO field types for Text, Text Area, WYSIWYG, Image and File. When adding a field to a field group these new field types will be listed under the qTranslate category in the Field…
Custom Post Type Editor
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Customize the text labels, menu names or description for any registered custom post type using a simple Dashboard user interface. No PHP file editing is necessary! Want to rename Posts to News? Want to rename Media to Files? Want to…
Page View Count
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A beautifully simple to set up plugin that gives site visitors and site owners the ability to quickly and easily see how many people have visited that page or post. FEATURES On the front end it adds an icon and…
Cool Tag Cloud
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The plugin renders a tag cloud using a professionally designed tag image as a background. The plugin’s tag cloud is completely responsive and is correctly rendered in all browsers. The primary application of this feature is through the “Cool Tag…
Auction Nudge – eBay on your own site
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Display your active eBay items on your WordPress site using Auction Nudge, an approved eBay Compatible Application. The Your eBay Profile and Your eBay Feedback tools are being retired, more information here. The Your eBay Listings tool will continue to…
Pet Manager
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Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome
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Add a Font Awesome icon field type to Advanced Custom Fields. Specify which FontAwesome icon sets to use (Solid, Regular, Light, Thin, Duotone, Duotone Sharp, Brands, and Custom Upload Icons) (Some features only available with FontAwesome 5.x or 6.x icons)…
Add "WPMovieLibrary" to a List
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WordPress Catalog
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